
CrossFit At Home

home workout

With people being asked to stay at home and many boxes around the world closing their doors to stop the spread of the coronavirus, the community has come together to offer at home CrossFit workouts to those who can’t (or won’t) train in their boxes as usual. With the new restrictions does also come new […]

Mental Relaxation

Mental rest and relaxation has been defined as a psychological strategy used by sports performers to help manage or reduce stress-related emotions like anxiety, depression or anger. Physical symptoms like physical muscle tension and increased heart rate during high pressurized situations can also be treated with the right relaxation techniques. In this article we’ll cover how the performer can use different strategies to benefit from relaxation, become a […]

Active Recovery – The Key To Recovery

Training can be addictive and you may feel you don’t want or need to take a full rest or active recovery day too often. But recovery is crucial if you want to stay injury free and improve your overall fitness level. One full rest day and at least one active recovery day a week is […]

The Art To Get Motivated And Get Off The Couch

Is it common that you feel pretty much beaten up at the end of the week? You may have difficulties at your job, your relationship, someone passes away, just been through a big change in your, have gotten injured etc. It is easy to end up in the couch and watch TV all weekend, not […]

How To Stay Motivated

It’s not always easy to feel motivated and keep a forward momentum on your training and nutrition. Studies have shown that those who set their goals public are 10 times more likely to achieve that goal. I’m sure you’ve experienced a drop in self-motivation. So, here are a few key points to help you stay […]

CrossFit Diet Guide: How to eat like a CrossFit Athlete

crossfit diet guide

Your CrossFit diet is as important, if not more than the actual crossfit training itself to reach your highest potential. Even the hardest crossfit sessions won’t help you gain muscle, loose body fat or get more fit if your diet is not on point. How you fuel your body will determine your overall performance. As […]

Top 5 Supplement For Crossfit Athletes

The level of standard CrossFit athletes elevates every year since they are getting fitter, stronger, faster and increases their overall athletic performance. So, how can you compete in an ever-tougher crowd? Working smart and hard at the gym is key but to build more strength, recover faster and be less fatigued you can take help […]

The Importance Of Sleep

the importance of sleep

Sleeping solid throughout the night has a huge effect on your body and mind. A lack of sleep will affect your recovery, immune system, inflammation in the body, stress hormones and your overall performance in your training. Let’s dig deeper into the importance of a good night’s sleep. Inflammation Studies show that people who get […]

5 Ways To Improve Your Snatch Technique

improve snatch

The snatch technique is one of the hardest skills to master. It requires a good amount of flexibility, strength, power and technique to perform the full snatch properly. In this article we’ll go through how to master this olympic weightlifting lift in 5 ways. 1. Starting Position Finding an optimal start position is crucial to […]

5 Tips For A Better Clean and Jerk

If you’re not all new to CrossFit I’m sure you’ve heard of the olympic weightlifting lift clean and jerk. Easy explained it’s an olympic lift that includes two movements – lifting the barbell from the floor to your shoulders and then the bar overhead. It might sound like an easy task but to master the […]